I. Scope
Services Rendered. The postpartum doula provides culturally appropriate emotional, physical, and educational care for their client’s family during the perinatal period. The doula offers evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from childbirth and other issues related to the perinatal period including perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Limits of Practice. NAPS Doulas Standards apply to emotional, physical, and educational support only. The NAPS-certified doula does not medically diagnose or clinically treat conditions. The doula refers to medical providers for diagnosis or medical treatment. The doula will communicate any observational concerns with their client about any family member, including the baby. The doula provides care that is culturally appropriate for the doula and their client. The doula only provides services in which they are trained.
Referrals. For client needs beyond the scope of the doula’s training, referrals will be made to appropriate resources.
II. Commitment to Client
When a doula agrees to work with a particular client, the obligation is to do so reliably, to the best of the doula’s ability, for the term of the agreement. Should any doula feel a need to discontinue service to an established client, it is the doula’s responsibility to notify the client in writing and arrange for a replacement, if the client desires. This may be accomplished by:
III. Training and Experience
Training. Doulas that are certified by NAPS Doulas will have attended a NAPS Doulas-approved training.
Experience. Doulas certified by NAPS Doulas will have the experience as set forth in the NAPS Doulas Certification Checklist. The requirements include infant care, breastfeeding education, applicable reading, high-quality evaluations, and proof of continuing education and cultural learning.
Maintenance of Certification. NAPS-certified doulas will maintain certification by staying current with liability insurance, hands-on infant CPR, continuing education, cultural learning opportunities, and membership dues. In addition, recertification must be completed every three years.
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