NAPS Doulas Core Values

The Brave Space We Create

A brave space is the living relational space we create each time we meet where we practice prioritizing dialogue and understanding over privileged comfort. The NAPS Brave Space is rooted in Leadership, Integrity, Growth, Equity, Care, and Vision. We express our values in this space through Compassionate Accountability, Inclusive Community, and Wholehearted Self-Determination. We use the image of a growing tree with roots and branches that nourish each other to represent the ideas and practices that help us cultivate our brave spaces. We are all responsible for creating the space as it is. Each moment we can make a space where everyone can learn, grow, and have their voices included.

Values Branches

Compassionate Accountability

With humility and kindness, we hold ourselves, our organization and each other to high personal and professional standards while recognizing that growth often comes through appreciating diverse perspectives and making mistakes. We are here to get it right, not be right. We recognize the power of our words and use them with integrity. We follow through on our commitments and know that sometimes this means we need support or guidance from each other. Our shared goal of dismantling oppression requires that we are brave enough to speak up when we see it and humble enough to admit that it lives within each of us.

Inclusive Community

NAPS Doulas is a mosaic, co-created by and for our members. Each individual member contributes in unique ways. Our identities, our perspectives, and our individual practices form a cohesive connection around our work as doulas and the families we serve. The NAPS community is one where we celebrate our singularities and continuously nurture belonging by creating more access and inclusion. We are a community of leaders and a community that leads as collaborative stewards of our shared space, our profession, and our world.

Wholehearted Self Determination

NAPS Doulas and our shared spaces are shaped by the individuals in our community. Cultivating spaces of wholehearted living, where members can honor all their own identities with equanimity, is essential to the integrity and growth of our organization. We engage in our lives, our community, and our work from a place of worthiness. We recognize each other’s whole selves by holding space for the courage it takes to show up in any moment as we are. We support each other’s resiliency while braving authenticity despite risks and uncertainty. We affirm each person’s authority to determine their own path as they pursue a meaningful life.

Commitment Roots







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