Code of Ethics

All postpartum doulas certified by NAPS agree to the following Code of Ethics:

I. Rules of Conduct

Personal Conduct. The doula will maintain high standards of personal conduct in the capacity of a Postpartum Doula as defined by the Code of Ethics. The doula has a responsibility to honor the inherent value and dignity of each person.

Competence and Professional Development. The doula will strive to become and remain proficient in the professional practice and the performance of professional functions through continuing education, affiliation with related organizations, and associations with other Postpartum Doulas.

Integrity. The doula will act in accordance with the highest standards of professional integrity.


II. Ethical Responsibility to Clients

Primacy of Client’s Interests. The doula’s primary responsibility is to the clients.

Rights and Prerogatives of Clients. The doula will support and respect the client’s culture, traditions, and parenting choices.

Confidentiality and Privacy. The doula will respect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service.

Obligation to Serve. The doula will assist each client seeking postpartum support, either by providing services or making appropriate referrals.

Reliability. When the doula agrees to work with a particular client, the obligation is to do so reliably, without fail, for the term of the agreement. The agreement (verbal or written), will clearly state any limitations on the doula’s availability, to the best of the doula’s ability, for the term of the agreement.

Fees. The doula will clearly state fees to the clients, with a description of the services provided, terms of payment and refund policy.


III. Ethical Responsibility to Colleagues

Respect, Fairness and Courtesy. The doula will treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, fairness and integrity.

Dealing with Colleagues’ Clients. The doula has the responsibility to relate to the clients of colleagues with full professional consideration.


IV. Ethical Responsibility to the Postpartum Doula

Maintaining the integrity of the Profession. The doula will uphold and advance the values, ethics, knowledge and mission of the global profession.

Community Service. The doula is encouraged to assist the NAPS Doulas’ community by volunteering with the Board of Directors, and/or assist families in need by making reduced cost or pro-bono postpartum doula services available when possible.


V. Ethical Responsibility to Society

Promote Family Welfare. The doula will promote the general health of families and their babies whenever possible.

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